
With my trusty companion, Shadow. Brooklyn, NY, 2018.

With my trusty companion, Shadow. Brooklyn, NY, 2018.

Well, it all started when I was born at 6:30AM on a Monday morning in Fullerton, California…

Ok, we won’t go that far back - but can you believe I was born at 6:30AM on a Monday?! Talk about a baby who’s ready to work! Don't worry, my personality screams 9PM on a Saturday, so we’ll get along just fine. As I said on my homepage, I truly love what I do. I’m one of the lucky folks who found the career path that was meant for them. I live for telling stories and creating work that resonates with people of all genders, sexes, races and creeds. Especially at this time in our history when creativity and storytelling matters more than ever before.

Editing Bay, 2020.

Editing Bay, 2020.

Outside of work, I like to live it up to the fullest. Pictured below you will see my “noble steed” Shadow, she is a 9-year-old black lab and one of the great loves of my life. That pup has road tripped with me from Texas to New York City, from New York City to Tennessee, from Texas to Lake Tahoe, and everything in between. What can I say? We like to get out!

Bonneville Salt Flats, 2017.

Bonneville Salt Flats, 2017.

I’m what you call a “textbook” gemini - there are two sides of me - and as my friend once poetically said, “the two sides of you are 14-year-old boy and 80-year-old woman, there is no in between.” My inner 14-year-old boy loves cracking dumb jokes at inappropriate times, and my 80-year-old woman enjoys gardening and weaving.

On set with HGTV’s Gen

On set with HGTV’s Genevieve Gorder, 2018.

My life is an open book (writers, it kind of comes with the territory), so please feel free to ask me any questions about myself, my career, my history, my favorite flavor of ice cream - whateva! Let’s chat it up!

WHAT MORE People Are Saying

JD was a true joy to work with and a source of boundless enthusiasm for pushing my ideas further. She collaborates with a sense of spontaneity, even under a tight timeline, and that’s something I’m forever grateful for.


What do you get when you cross a badger, a glass of whiskey, and an 8-ball of coke?* JD. Tenacious. Outspoken. Uncomfortably energetic.


* J.D. Sutherland does not condone the use of illegal substances. This quote was included solely because it is hilarious and “uncomfortably” honest.